Official announcement:
Our Regional events in Iasi and Bucharest are postponed to a later date. The new dates will be communicated to all teams in the months ahead.
The National Championship in Cluj-Napoca is canceled, as well as the participation to the World Championship.
Our decision is based on the current national coronavirus restrictions.
Our official statement is here (Romanian): CoVid-19_INFORMARE-oficiala-NPE-10-03-2020.pdf & English_Official-Announcement-10-03-2020.pdf
Congratulations to the amazing FIRST Tech Challenge teams who performed at the National Championship!
We are proud of the 120 teams who attended our Championship showcasing their hard-worked robots, their passion and very creative pits!
Here is the line-up for all the awards – Championship season 2018/2019:
– 1ST PLACE: RO 007, Gear Maniacs, Colegiul National “Samuel Von Brukenthal”, Sibiu.
– 2ND PLACE: RO 123 – North-East Dynamic! – Liceul “Regina Maria”, Dorohoi
– 3RD PLACE: RO 002 Harambe Cartel, Colegiul National “Moise Nicoară”, Arad
– 1ST PLACE: RO 052 ROBOT NAME, Liceul Special “Sfânta Maria” Arad
– 2ND PLACE: RO 0068 THOBOR, Colegiul National Calistrat Hogas din Tecuci, judetul Galati.
– 3RD PLACE: RO-076, Fast Forward Future Team – Colegiul National Avram Iancu.din orașul Ștei, Hunedoara!
– 1ST PLACE: RO 068 TOBOR, Colegiul National Calistrat Hogas, Tecuci
– 2ND PLACE: RO 047 ROBOPAPIU, Colegiul National Elexandru Papiu Ilarian, Tg Mures
– 3RD PLACE: RO 074 CSH, Colegiul National Pedagogic “Carmen Silva” Timisoara
– 1ST PLACE: RO 042 Bionic Royal, Colegiul National “Mircea cel Batran”- Râmnicu Vâlcea
– 2ND PLACE: RO 037 BYTE FORCE, Colegiul National “Vasile Alecsandri”, Galati
– 3RD PLACE: RO 089 ECHO PULSE, Colegiul National “Ferdinand I”, Bacau
– 1ST PLACE: RO 001, XEO, Colegiul National “Horea, Closca si Crisan”, Alba Iulia.
– 2ND PLACE: RO 140 infO1 Robotics, Colegiul National “Ion Luca Caragiale”, Ploiesti
– 3RD PLACE: Echipa RO 032 IDL Electronics, Colegiul Tehnic “Ion D. Lăzărescu”, Cugir
– 1ST PLACE: RO 042 Bionic Royals, Colegiul National “Mircea cel Batran”- Râmnicu Vâlcea
– 2ND PLACE: RO 038 RobotX HD, Colegiul National de Informatică “Traian Lalescu” – Hunedoara
– 3RD PLACE: RO 041, BraveBots, Colegiul National “Mihai Viteazul”, Ploiesti
– 1ST PLACE: RO 109 Homo Sapiens, Colegiul National
– 2ND PLACE: RO 120 Ro2D2 Colegiul National ” Mihai Viteazul”, Ploiesti
– 3RD PLACE: RO 011 Masterminds, Colegiul National “Cantemir Voda”, Bucuresti
– 1ST PLACE: RO 105 Helix, Colegiul National “Nicolae Balcescu”, Braila
– 2ND PLACE: RO 112 UNDEFINED, Colegiul National “Nicolae Grigorescu”, Câmpina
– 3RD PLACE: RO 038 RobotX HD, Colegiul National de Informatică “Traian Lalescu” – Hunedoara
– 1ST PLACE: RO 005 Esentza Robotics, Colegiul National “Petru Rares”, Beclean
– 2ND PLACE: RO 001 XEO, Colegiul National “Horea, Closca si Crisan”, Alba Iulia.
– 3RD PLACE: RO 120, Ro2D2 Colegiul National ” Mihai Viteazul”, Ploiesti
– 1ST PLACE: RO 077 Quantum Robotics, Liceul Teoretic International de Informatica, Bucuresti
– 2ND PLACE: RO 038 RobotX HD, Colegiul National de Informatică “Traian Lalescu” – Hunedoara
– 3RD PLACE: RO 074 CSH, Colegiul National Pedagogic “Carmen Sylva”, Timisoara
Finalist Alliance and Winning Alliance Teams:
– CAPTAIN: RO 021, VIANU LEGENDS, Colegiul National de informatica “Tudor Vianu”, Bucuresti
– 1ST PICK: RO 036, BRICKBOT, Colegiul National “Unirea” , Focsani
– 2nd PICK: RO 010 DIMCANRO, Colegiul National Militar ”Dimitrie Cantemir”, Breaza
– CAPTAIN: RO 055, AUTOVORTEX VOLUNTARI, Liceul Tehnologic “Nicolae Balcescu” , Bucuresti
– 1ST PICK: RO 014 QUBE., Colegiul National “Mihai Viteazul” , Bucuresti
– 2nd PICK: RO 109, Homo Sapiens, Colegiul National “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu”, Buzau
– CAPTAIN: RO 002 HARAMBE CARTEL, Colegiul National “Moise Nicoară” – Arad
– 1ST PICK: RO 068, THOBOR, Colegiul National “Calistrat Hogas”
– 2nd PICK: RO 045, Phantom, Liceul “Voievodul Mircea”, Târgoviste
– CAPTAIN: RO 023 WattsUp, Colegiul National “Dinicu Golescu”, Câmpulung Muscel
– 1ST PICK: RO 077 Quantum Robotics, Liceul Teoretic International de Informatica, Bucuresti
– 2nd PICK: RO 128 Fuse, Colegiul National “Costache Negruzi”, Iasi
– CAPTAIN: RO 055, AUTOVORTEX VOLUNTARI, Liceul Tehnologic “Nicolae Balcescu” , Bucuresti
– 1ST PICK: RO 014 QUBE., Colegiul National “Mihai Viteazul” , Bucuresti
– 2nd PICK: RO 109, Homo Sapiens, Colegiul National “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu”, Buzau
– CAPTAIN: RO 023 WattsUp, Colegiul National “Dinicu Golescu”, Câmpulung Muscel
– 1ST PICK: RO 077 Quantum Robotics, Liceul Teoretic International de Informatica, Bucuresti
– 2nd PICK: RO 128 Fuse, Colegiul National “Costache Negruzi”, Iasi
– Andrei Stefan Istudor – RO 036, BRICKBOT, Colegiul National “Unirea” , Focsani
– Raluca Rusu – RO 005 Esentza Robotics, Colegiul National “Petru Rares”, Beclean
– Adrian Vasile Negoita – RO 063 Wafy, Colegiul Tehnic “Constantin Brâncusi”, Petrila
– 1ST PLACE: Echipa RO 038 RobotX HD, Colegiul National de Informatică “Traian Lalescu” – Hunedoara
– 2ND PLACE: Echipa RO 001 XEO, Colegiul National “Horea, Closca si Crisan”, Alba Iulia
– 3RD PLACE: Echipa RO 077 Quantum Robotics, Liceul Teoretic International de Informatica, Bucuresti